Twice in the last week I have been rendered speechless; ‘jaw upon chest’ in incredulous speechlessness. My close friends would tell you that in the last few decades that sort of thing has never, ever happened to me; in fact, they probably relished a few minutes of silence on my part, given what has happened in the last year and how I feel about it. 😒
I wish I had never seen those news articles; or else they
had been on a satirical news website. I checked … and checked again; but no
satire; no ‘fake’ news as far as I could ascertain; it was – a rare word these
days – REAL.
To coin a British phrase I was, even understanding the UK’s xenophobia
though I do not like it, gobsmacked. Well and truly. Even members of Monty
Python slapping me round the face with a freshly-caught wet fish would not have
stunned me so much. Gobsmacked and incredulous; struck ‘dumb’; silent except
for a coughing, choking noise and pointing at my computer screen in the fashion
Donald Sutherland did at humans in the 70s version of Invasion of the Body
Snatchers. Except that I did not ‘screech’ until I had got over the initial ‘stun’
of the headlines I had just seen. Donny got ‘one up on me’ in that respect.

I was about to ‘climb off my soapbox’ – for what it was
worth, because I was too stunned to actually speak – when the next ‘bombshell’…
no, …. ‘incendiary’ hit.
‘’ Theresa May sings God Save The Queen in Italian hotel bar’’
( - retrieved 03/08/2017). I cannot
describe how I felt when I saw that; there are no words…
She WAS a ‘remainer’. If it were not bad enough that she
U-turned in order to gain power; if it were not bad enough that she tried,
illegally, to push ‘Brexit’ through without parliamentary consent; if it were
not bad enough that she signed a letter ‘allegedly’ invoking ‘Article 50’. She
does THIS?
Not only does she holiday outside insular England…. (and yes, that
IS deliberate on my part because Scotland and Northern Ireland did NOT want to
leave the EU; and, let’s face it, who gives a s**t about Wales? England and the
UK government certainly don’t! ;-) )…. but she visits a European Union country
and ‘rebel rouses’ whilst she is there? It beggars belief.
My grandfather (and yes, I am that old) was dropped behind ‘enemy
lines’ in the Netherlands and risked his life for the UK .... so that we could actually become as imperialistic
and selfish as some European countries already perceive us?
UK Government, get a bl**dy grip, please!…. the UK is
already ‘going to the dogs’ economically since ‘the referendum’; xenophobia has
become ‘the norm’ and a Polish gentleman was killed; the ‘great reform bill
2017’, to anyone with a thinking mind, has just given ‘carte blanche’ for UK citizens
and workers to be exploited. Forget ‘Good morning Britain’; wake up Britain!
Don’t allow your basic rights to be taken away from you because of a mis-guided,
‘Murdochoid’ hatred for the EU. Don’t let a power-hungry ‘vulture’ dictate what
you think; she ‘turn-coated’ VERY quickly when it suited her. How do you know that
she will not turn against YOU next?
Sarah is not usually this outspoken and blunt, but recently she
has been ‘bl**dy annoyed’. 😎 She is a member of Campaign for Europe and several other
pro-active, pro-EU groups. Sarah is never a 'rebel without a cause' but certainly rises to a 'rebellious' challenge when there is a cause.