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Friday, 5 May 2017

Let Love Rule – Changing 'Little Britain'

Update:  Post- UK general election, non-partisan crusader Peter Cook continues to campaign for a peaceful, united Europe within which the UK is still a part.
He says that the UK has paid the EU approximately 30 pence a day, or half a Mars bar, for 70 years of peace, nearly 50% of UK trade and free and easy access to Europe. This will change under ‘Brexit’.

Peter has made a video about himself, the campaign and his views about the European Union; it’s well worth a watch all the way through (approx. 5 minutes). 

Peter’s interesting, original article about why the UK should not leave the EU is below; (there is a link at the end if you wish to support Peter’s campaign).

I have been deeply saddened by the ‘terrorist’ attacks in Europe and confess I don't understand what motivates people to do such things. When hate rules over love, we are in a very dangerous place in terms of hope for humanity.

Modern politics merely confirms my view that we need to unite the world through acts of kindness and love. True leaders do not bend backwards when confronted by people who seek to use the lowest forms of influence to make their point. Rather, they lean forward to set new standards of human behaviour.

What the world needs now is love and great leadership.

The politics of fear are a powerful driving force in the world of work. In politics, they have potentially even more damaging impacts. The UnHoly Trinity of Donald Trump, Theresa May and Nigel Farage exploited fear and uncertainty to make them electable. Such forces gain traction in hard times, when people are fearful for their jobs, the economy, their well-being, that of their children and so on. And early implication of our local elections in the UK is “Vote Conservative, Get UKIP”. If this is replicated in UK General Elections, we will complete our slow sleepwalk into Little Britain. I’m campaigning to stop our repeat performance of the 1933 eugenic and fascist movement that hit all of Europe and gripped Germany through its ‘strong and stable’ leader.

For some time now, we have been tormented with the circularity of the phrase "Brexit Means Brexit" by the UK Prime Minister. It continues to be meaningless and hopelessly ambiguous. Brexit is a classic "wicked problem", characterised by uncertainty over the destination and the means to reach the destination. Clearly the reductionism of this phrase makes it appealing at a superficial level in our Gutter Press but, on closer inspection, the phrase is content free. Nearly one year on and we have no idea whether we are having a clean Brexit, a Red, White and Blue Xenophobic  Brexit, Deal or No Deal and other vapid platitudes from Theresa May. To describe her as a ‘Strong and Stable’ leader only serves to emphasise the lack of ethical and authentic leadership at this point in our history. Wicked problems are not resolved by just "getting on with it" since we don't know what "it" is ... The smart leader pushes the STOP button and understands the problem before rushing to a superficial solution.

The sleepwalk into ‘Hardcore Brexit’ threatens us socially, technologically, economically, politically, legally and ethically. The UK faces an economy of zero hour contracts and low wages and is already seeing the first signs of this as inflation outpaces wage rises this year. Great Britain is also seeing the early signs of the breakup of the UK via Scotland’s desire to maintain EU membership, Northern Ireland’s precarious fall back into an era of sectarianism and Wales’s desire to become an independent nation.

In terms of the ability to be a technology leader, the quality of scientific research and the UK science base is also in jeopardy. There are early signs that UK scientists are being refused participation in European funded projects and current joint collaborations may be shelved. Despite assurances and sweeteners from the UK Government, to scientific communities about funding, the situation remains nuanced. At risk are some €75 billion of funding from Horizon 2020 programs. The Erasmus Scheme is also in doubt for UK students, meaning that our children will not be able to enjoy an
education in Europe.
Most organisational studies show that, sadly, history repeats itself. How then can we stop these dangerous developments, which have far too many echoes of 1930s xenophobia and 'nationalism'?  Thoughts and ideas please .... there is no time to delay ... What the world needs now is love and great leadership. Please support me on my ‘UK Question Time’ tour and let's make Britain a Great part of Europe again! 

Peter Cook is an author and Keynote speaker at The Academy of Rock and Human Dynamics .
He is a passionate supporter of a 'Strong and Stable' EU. Even though, like some UK citizens who voted to ‘leave’, he believes that there should be some reforms.
Peter is currently campaigning for the EU and ‘tactical voting’ through his Change Little Britain project. (Take a look at the slideshow!)

1 comment:

  1. Peter's fundraiser:
